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Spirea Bushes Spirea bushes have many common names including meadowsweets and steeplebushes. They are sometimes spelled as Spiraea also. ...
Loam There are different types of soils available in nature. Loam is one among them. Different types of plants prefer to grow in various t...
Root Rot Disease Root rot is a lethal plant disease. It can be caused due to waterlogging or various types of fungi. Waterlogging can be c...
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Spirea Bushes Spirea bushes have many common names including meadowsweets and steeplebushes. They are sometimes spelled as Spiraea also. ...
Loam There are different types of soils available in nature. Loam is one among them. Different types of plants prefer to grow in various t...
Root Rot Disease Root rot is a lethal plant disease. It can be caused due to waterlogging or various types of fungi. Waterlogging can be c...
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