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Growing Spearmint in Gardens

  Spearmint Spearmint plant is native to Europe and southern temperate lands of Asia.   It has many names including garden mint, common mint...



Spearmint plant is native to Europe and southern temperate lands of Asia.  It has many names including garden mint, common mint, mackerel mint, and lamb mint.

Nowadays, these trees have naturalized in most of the temperate regions on the planet including American and African continents.

The spearmint specie and subspecies have many synonyms including Mentha crispate, Mentha crispa and Mentha viridis.

The spearmint and its aromatic oils are used for flavoring food, herbal teas, and also as scenting liquids.


The spearmint plant (Mentha spicata) is an herbaceous perennial plant. It grows about 30–100 cm tall. Its stems usually have a square-shape. In fact, it is a defining characteristic of mint family herbal plants. Sometimes, the stems also have hairs.

The leaves have a serrated margin. They measure about 5–9 cm in length and 1.5–3 cm in breadth. These dimensions vary depending on the environmental condition even from plant to plant. The plant derives its name from the pointed leaf tips.

These plants bloom in summer. The flowers usually grow in slender spikes. They measure about 2.5–3 mm in length and breadth. The seeds of this plant usually measure 0.62–0.90 mm.


The mentions of spearmint plant dated back to the early 1st century AD. The Bible and the notes of Pliny (naturalist) refer to this herb in various chapters. The ancient mythology scripts also confirm the usage of these herbs. As confirmed by modern studies, the use of these herbs became widespread domesticated by 14th century.

During 5th century, the roman introduced these plants in England. Various botanists and herbalists of England including John Gerard have recommended spearmint for various medical ailments.

These herbs were introduced by the English colonists in North America. This plant functioned as an important cash crop during the American Revolution in Connecticut. Since mint tea was not taxed, it became popular among the general public.

Even today this herb serves as a valuable crop (commercially) in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. spearmint plants have naturalized themselves almost everywhere in the USA.


Although spearmint plants can tolerate partial shades, they thrive well under full sun. You can also grow them on bright window sills or under grow lights indoors.

Make sure to plant them in well-draining, moist and rich soil with a pH of about 6.0 – 7.5. If you opt to grow mint in pots, use a rich, organic soilless mixture. USDA recommends zones 4a – 11 to grow these plants as they cannot thrive in cold climates.

The spearmint is grown from stem cuttings, seeds, division, or layering methods.

Seed Propagation 

You can grow spearmint plants easily from seeds. Start the sowing process after the risk of frost is passed or about eight weeks before the last frost date.

Sow the seeds about 1/4 inch deep in garden soil or starting mix and water thoroughly. Normally, mint seeds grow well in constantly warm (about 70 f) and moist soils. So, cover the sowed spot with a plastic bag or glass cloche.

You can expect germination in about a couple of weeks.

For indoor plants, harden them off gradually when they grow about 4-5 inches, before transplanting them in gardens.

Stem cuttings 

In spring, Cut off the top stem portion, just below a set of leaf nodes from a matured plant. Then remove all leaves and other matters from the cutting’s bottom half.

Plant the cutting in a good quality seed starting mixture after dipping its bottom end in rooting hormone. The roots would form in about 2 -3 weeks. Then plant the cutting outdoors after hardening off.


This is one of the easiest methods of propagating spearmint. As long as you have frost-free weather (at least for two months ahead), you can layer all-around the year.

Select at least six inches long branch from a matured plant.  Remove the leaves from the portion that is about to be layered underground. Then bury the trimmed portion keeping the branch attached to the parent.

You can also arrest the layered portion to prevent it from coming out of the soil by placing a rock on it or other similar arrangements.

Within a few weeks, the roots develop and new shoots emerge out of the soil. After that, you can dethatch the branch from the parent plant and dig out the newly formed shoots.

Transplant the new shoots in your garden and water them well.


Spring and Autumn are considered as best seasons for rooting plants. However, you can root mint all year round

Just dig out a mint clump with a sharp spade and split it into six-inch-wide sections with garden knives. Trimming off the stem tops encourages fresh growth. Then replant the parent and rooted sections in individual holes.

Spearmint is a resilient plant. So, it just needs a small rooted portion with one or two stems attached to grow.


Spearmint demands plenty of water. Maintain the soil moist by watering at least 2-3 times a week. Avoid overwatering. You can also use natural mulches like compost or grass to retain the moisture level.

Generally, spearmint does not require fertilizer. However, amending the soil with well-rotten moisture every annum rejuvenates the growth.

Spearmint tends to spread faster. You can just pull the spreading plants up or install deep barriers to contain them effectively.

Pests and Diseases 

SpiderMites, Loopers, FleaBeetles, Aphids, Cutworms, Thrips Etc., are  some of the common pests that bother spearmint Plants

Anthracnose, Black Stem Rot, Mint rust, Powdery mildew, Septoria leaf spot, Verticillium wilt, Stem, and stolon canker Etc., are some of the diseases that commonly affect spearmint


If you want to produce mint oil, start harvesting in summer, just before the plant blooms. These herbs produce more oils in summer due to the heat stress.

If you determine to save seeds, allow the plants to bloom. From the blooms, you can gather seeds and store them.

Just pluck out the leaves and stems for domestic use, whenever needed.


Just pack the mint leaves in normal plastic bags and store them in the refrigerator. This helps to extend the shelf life of spearmint to about 4 days.

Another way is to freeze the herb. Just wash it off thoroughly in running water and chop the leaves using sharp knives. Then place the ice cube trays and freeze them. 

Drying is also a better way of preserving spearmint. Hang the bunches upside down or spread them across screens and place them in dark, cool areas. The mint leaves dry in a few days

Heating them in oven or food dehydrator at low-temperature settings can dry them in a few minutes.

Medical uses 

Spearmint is used to treat various diseases in the medical field. They include digestive disorders, sore throat, colds, cramps, cancer, inflammation of the respiratory tract headaches and toothaches.

Some people around the world also use it as a stimulant, pain-killer, and germ-killer.

However, some studies indicate excessive consumption of mint tea can cause uterus disorders in women. It can also increase liver and kidney disorders. So, it is advisable to consult a certified medical practitioner before consumption.

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evegardens: Growing Spearmint in Gardens
Growing Spearmint in Gardens
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